Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Library Thing

Library thing is good for those who are insanely in love with books and the people who love them. Don't get me wrong I love books too, just not insanely. This site is also good for someone who wants to keep track of everything they have read or even search for books in the same genre. It is also a good way to showcase what your reading tastes are. This site is not something that I would use on a regular basis, but it could be somewhat helpful.


Webfeat is pretty cool. It is a one stop shop for any information that a person may be looking for. One thing though I didn't find much on my home town which was once a small city. Now it's a large town. Either way it goes webfeat is an information highway.

Who down in Whoville

Image Generator

I thought this was a fun thing to do. I adopted my own who in whoville. What was really cool was that I also got a certificate of birth.